Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Why did I get the Notice?
  2. What is this Settlement for?
  3. How much could I receive?
  4. Deadline to make my claim:
  5. How do I make a claim to receive payment?
  6. Copy of Complete Settlement Agreement:
  7. Do I have to Participate?
  8. Can I object to this Settlement?
  9. Questions About the Notice?
  1. Why did I get the Notice?

    It is a Court-approved notice and is not an attorney solicitation. The case is: Jena Hecker, [Plaintiff] et al. v. Easy Healthcare Corporation [EHC], U.S. District Court—Northern District of Illinois, case no.: 1:21-cv-0349. EHC is the owner/developer of the “Premom” app. It has entered into a class action Settlement Agreement with the Plaintiff Jena Hecker on behalf of persons who registered to use EHC’s “Premom” app. Records reflect that a person with this email address registered to use this app on an Android or iOS smart phone, tablet, or laptop computer. 


  2. What is this Settlement for?

    The Plaintiff filed this class action lawsuit and claimed that Premom violated its Privacy Policy by sharing the personally identifiable device information of persons who registered to use this app after October 1, 2017. The personally identifiable device information would include advertising IDs, router IDs, serial numbers, etc. related to app users’ devices. Plaintiff claims that the only way to remedy the sharing of this information is replacing hardware such as cell phones and routers. Premom denies any and all wrongdoing including any violation of its Privacy Policies.

    The Plaintiff and EHC agreed to settle the Lawsuit in mediation. By this agreement, the parties avoid the cost and uncertainty of further litigation, trial, and appeals. Counsel for EHC and Plaintiff negotiated the terms of the Settlement described in the Notice.

    No evidence has shown that Premom shared any personal medical information, names, birthdays, email addresses, physical addresses, or other personal information of Premom users.


  3. How much could I receive?

    The purpose of this Settlement is to provide remedy toward the replacement costs of Android and iOS smart phones or routers. Each eligible Class Member can receive up to $30.00 if they bought a router between August 21, 2020, and 60 days from notice being emailed or if they bought an iOS or Android smart phone within 60 days from the date of the notice being emailed. The allocated potential payment to each Participating Class Member shall be a pro-rated portion of the Net Settlement Fund. Under this Plan of Allocation, no gross payment to any Participating Class Member shall exceed thirty dollars ($30.00) under the terms of the Settlement Agreement.


  4. Deadline to make my claim:

    You must complete the Claim Form (see next section) by November 13, 2023.


  5. How do I make a claim to receive payment?

    You will need to complete a Claim Form and provide a copy of a receipt or other proof of purchase for any Android or iOS smart phone or router after August 21, 2020. In the Claim Form, you will be asked to certify (i) the year and month you first registered to use the Premom App, and (ii) that you purchased a new Android or iOS smart phone or router after August 21, 2020 because of the allegation that Premom violated its Privacy Policy by sharing personally identifiable device information.

    If you did not purchase a new Android or iOS smart phone or router because of these allegations, you are not eligible for payment and should not submit a Claim Form.

    To complete the Claim Form: click here.


  6. Copy of Complete Settlement Agreement:

    For a copy of the complete Settlement Agreement: click here.


  7. Do I have to Participate?

    No. If you do not want to participate in this Settlement, you are not required to. If you would like to opt out of this agreement and pursue this claim on your own with your own legal counsel, you can. To do so, you must “opt out” by November 13, 2023. If you would like to opt out, click here.


  8. Can I object to this Settlement?

    Yes. If you would like to object to this Settlement, you have until November 13, 2023 to file your objection. If you would like to object to this Settlement: click here.


  9. Questions About the Notice?


    The Plaintiff and Class Members are represented by Brendan J. Donelon and Daniel W. Craig, the law office of DONELON, P.C.; 4600 Madison, Suite 810, Kansas City, MO 64112. (816) 221-7100.
